Description AboutTourism or Parjatan Place of Bagerhat
From this page, tourists will be able to know about the travel information of Bagerhat district. Which will come in handy in their travels. Not only this, with the name of each travel destination there is an hyperlink of an informative video which will give a clear idea about the place by watching the video and will make them interested in traveling.
It is known from history that Hazrat Khanjahan came to Bagerhat after 1396 AD. He first inherited the Sundarbans from the Sultan of Delhi and the Sultan of Bengal. He cut down the deep forest here and built a Muslim settlement. When Khanjahan Ali (ra) died on 22 October 1459, he was buried in his own tomb. His shrine is one of the valuable archeological monuments of this country. Along with the walled tomb of Hazrat Khanjahan is the tomb of his Diwan Muhammad Taher. This mausoleum with a 13.6 meter wide square dome has been renovated many times.
There is a very old mosque just west of the mausoleum. The mosque is believed to have been built at the same time as Khanjahans mausoleum. There is a mihrab on the west wall of this one-domed mosque
On the west side of the Thakur Dighi is a small mosque with a dome. The length of this square mosque made of red brick is 6 meters. Apart from Zindapirs tomb, there are several other old tombs outside the mosque.
This mosque is located on the west bank of Thakur Dighi. There are nine domes above this brick mosque. The whole mosque is inlaid with terracotta carvings. A large hole in a pillar inside the mosque is believed by many to be the thumbprint of Khanjahan Ali (ra).
About one kilometer away from Thakur Dighi is the world heritage sixty-domed mosque. This huge mosque is made of bricks. Although the name is sixty-domed, the mosque has eighty-one domes, six on the roof of the mosque and four on the four-cornered tower. However, due to the fact that there are sixty pillars inside the mosque, it may be called sixty domes. The inner pillars of the mosque are made of stone. The stones of the pillars have been covered with lime-surki coating for preservation. However, a pillar on the north side has been left empty for visitors. It is the most notable architectural masterpiece of Khanjahan. The sixty-domed mosque is thought to have been built by him in 1450 AD.
The Bagerhat Museum has been established next to the 60-domed mosque by a joint venture of UNESCO and the Government of Bangladesh. Established in 1994, the museum displays various ancient artifacts found in the area. Admission to the 60-domed mosque archeological site and museum is local.
Archaeological excavations about three hundred meters from the sixty-domed mosque have uncovered the foundation of an installation. It is thought to be the residence of Hazrat Khanjahan Ali. Excavations in 2008-09 have revealed the foundations, pillars and floors of a building on the site.
The mosque is located on Satgumbuj Road in Ranbijaypur village. Many people also know it as Fakirbari Mosque. Judging from the architectural style, it is believed to have been built during the time of Hazrat Khanjahan Ali (ra) (1459). The brick mosque is square in shape and has one room. The upper side is covered by a semicircular dome. The walls of the mosque are quite thick. There are three entrances on each wall except the qibla wall. There are three mihrabs on the west wall along the three entrances to the east wall. The central arch is larger than the other two. There are four minarets in the four corners outside the mosque. Which are one of the examples of Khanjahani architecture. The decoration on the terracotta fruit has almost disappeared. What is left can be seen in the entrances, mihras, cornices and corner towers. These ornaments have almost disappeared. What is left can be seen in the entrances, mihrabs, cornices and corner towers. These ornaments include rose designs, spiral flower designs, etc. In 1981, it was declared a protected structure and renovated. The mosque is named after Ranbijaypur village. The idea is that a war once took place here. Ranbijaypur is the name of this place in memory of his victory in that war. It is 56 square feet on the outside and 36 square feet on the inside. The wall of the mosque is about 10 feet wide. Ranbijaypur Mosque is one of the largest domed mosques in Bangladesh.
The mosque is located in a paddy field about one kilometer north-west of the sixty-domed mosque. The archeology department has renovated the mosque after a long period of neglect. The square mosque is about 40 feet long on the outside and 25 feet on the inside. The walls are about 6 feet wide. There is a large dome at the top of the center. There are three entrances on the east wall of the mosque. And along the entrances to the west wall are three mihrabs. The middle mihrab is relatively large. Each mihrab is on. Various flowers and herbs. The lower part of the mihrabs has gone a little deeper into the ground. There is an entrance on the north and south walls. Regular prayers are still offered at Chunakhola Mosque. No exact information was found about the construction period of the mosque.
An ancient one-domed mosque about a kilometer west of the sixty-domed mosque. Although the mosque is similar to the Singra Mosque, there are three Nihrabs on the west wall. The exact date of construction of the mosque is not known.
Kodla Math is located in the village of Ayodhya, about eight kilometers from the town of Bagerhat. The height of this monastery is about 19 meters. Its walls are about three meters thick. According to an inscription of the monastery, it was built in the early seventeenth century in memory of a Brahmin. The walls around the whole monastery are decorated with terracotta ornaments.
Mongla is the second seaport of Bangladesh in Mongla of Bagerhat district. On 11 December 1950, the first foreign ship anchored at this port, 18 km upstream from Chalna. The port was shifted to Mongla in 1954 as it was convenient for sea-going ships to anchor. After being closed for a long time, the port has been crowded with foreign ships since 2009.